
What folx say about working with Wolf.

“Wolf is an incredibly talented being and designer. I’ve had the pleasure of working together on a team focused on scheduling immunizations and have witnessed him flourish in equitable, inclusive design to make vaccines more accessible to everyone.

Wolf has a natural knack for delivering beautiful designs that are well organized for handing off to our engineers and product partners. He also prioritizes inclusion and continues to educate himself on accessibility and inclusion methodologies, and actively participates in our Gender Inclusion Crew focusing on how we can create a more delightful experience for transgender, nonbinary and gender-diverse patients in our flows.

Wolf remains gracious under pressure, and delivers quality - he’s my go-to Figma aficionado, and is an excellent partner in design spaces!”

Devin Owsley-Aquilia

Sr. Accessibility Designer at CVS Health | CPACC | Inclusive UXR | A11y | LGBTQIA+

Devin Owsley-Aquilia, Sr. Accessibility Designer at CVS Health | CPACC | Inclusive UXR | A11y | LGBTQIA+

I have worked with Wolf since he started at CVS Health in early 2022. Wolf and I are both Senior Experience Designers but I have an additional role of UX Lead on our design team so I oversaw much of the work that he did for the team. Our team is responsible for the overall design (UX, UI, content, accessibility) of the Vaccination Scheduler on CVS.com.

This has obviously been a crucial tool on the site during and since the pandemic. We are asked to do large amounts of work on a daily basis and given a short amount of time to do it since we must adhere to federal government guidelines which change regularly.

Wolf came into his role beyond ready and more than capable for the job. He is an incredibly talented and creative designer. Despite a plethora of legal and clinical requirements, Wolf always brings fresh ideas to the table. He gives exceptional attention to detail in both his design and documentation efforts.

In addition to leading design efforts on a wide variety of projects, he was given the job of collaborating with front-end development on updating our scheduler flow - end-to-end - to a new UI design which was no simple task. It required design audits, accessible visual designs with annotations, countless reviews with developers and product partners and Wolf handled all of it professionally, respectfully, skillfully and with a sense of humor.

Which brings me to what I think is Wolf's best asset, him! Wolf obviously has the skillset and then some to do his job but he brings this extra piece that has honestly been the heart of our team. He changes the energy of every call, meeting, etc. to something positive, light and fun just by being himself.

He encourages and supports colleagues on every level. He has supported me on a daily basis and reminds me of the importance of maintaining that energy whenever possible. While most of us need to be reminded, Wolf just lives it every day by being himself and it's contagious.

To say Wolf would be an asset to any organization is an understatement. If your company is lucky enough to have the opportunity to hire him, do not hesitate. You won't regret it and your organization will be better for it.

Janica Vogler

User Experience Lead, Senior Manager at CVS Health

Janica Vogler, User Experience Lead, Senior Manager at CVS Health

I was lucky to work alongside Wolf for the last year and a half. And I can say, without a doubt, he is a superstar designer! He goes above and beyond what is asked of him to ensure all bases are covered. Whether he's working through UX discovery or delivering pixel perfect designs - he shines.

Wolf is reliable and focused and a wonderful collaborator. Throughout our time together, he was always willing to take on the most complex projects, big or small. He has great problem-solving skills and can easily overcome various project challenges. Wolf's positive energy and a fantastic sense of humor is truly infectious - which makes working with him such an enjoyable experience. Even through the most challenging efforts, he shows up with a smile and encourages others to do the same.

It is truly impossible to summarize all of Wolf's talents. I love Wolf! He's a bright shining light that lifts people up. Any company would be lucky to have him.

Alexis Vaccarino

User Experience Specialist at CVS Health

Alexis Vaccarino, User Experience Specialist at CVS Health

Wolf and I were colleagues at CVS Health, collaborating on the same team. We both began our journey as UI designers before progressing to become Experience designers. I had the privilege of being his onboarding buddy, but to my surprise, I found myself gaining a wealth of knowledge from him as well.

During a significant transition phase when the company was migrating between design programs and establishing a fresh brand library, we joined forces to undertake a substantial project. What might have been a daunting and chaotic endeavor turned into an enjoyable and eagerly anticipated experience. Together, we infused the project with a sense of structure and organization, surpassing expectations by going the extra mile.

Wolf's meticulous attention to detail, empathetic nature, and unwavering positivity shine particularly bright during challenging situations. Collaborating with him has been an absolute delight, and his prowess as a designer is truly remarkable.

Andrea Davies

Senior Digital Experience Designer at CVS Health

Andrea Davies, Senior Digital Experience Designer at CVS Health

Wolf and I were colleagues and team members on the immunization squad at CVS Health. Wolf is one of the most creative, knowledgeable, and and fun designers I have ever worked with. We collaborated on numerous projects, and it developed into a very intuitive, fluid, and respectful relationship.

Pro-active, reliable to a fault, results-oriented, deadline-driven, curious, empathetic, and loaded with personality and energy, Wolf is the whole package. Any organization privileged and bright enough to bring him on board will have made a very wise and informed hiring decision.

Shawn Perry

Senior UX Content Strategist at CVS Health